Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 4 Economical Biofilters for Decontamination of Oil-Polluted Water

Economical Biofilters for Decontamination of Oil-Polluted Water

Автор: T.N. Shchemelinina, D.V. Tarabukin, E.M. Anchugova, and M.Yu. Markarova

Страница: 83-87


Economical Biofilters for Decontamination of Oil-Polluted Water

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 4, P. 83-87

UDC 504.4.054: 628.35

Section:  “Ecology”


T.N. Shchemelinina,  D.V. Tarabukin *,  E.M. Anchugova,  and  M.Yu. Markarova

The Institute of Biology, Komi Research Center, Russ. Acad. Sci., Ural Branch,  167982, Syktyvkar Russia



The testing of filtering materials based on basalt fibers that are used in the current industry and nonwoven materials of different densities as carriers for petrooxidizing microorganisms has been carried out. A biofilter containing the basalt fibers modified by cationic starch (0.5 mg/сm3) proved to be most effective for the support of stable colonies of Rhodotorula sp. and for  the water decontamination from oil products.


Key words:  biofilters,  immobilized microorganisms,  oil-polluted waste water.


23.03.2015, 1483 просмотра.


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