Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 4 Microbial Oxidation of High-Viscous Oil and its High-Molecular Heteroorganic Compounds in Soil

Microbial Oxidation of High-Viscous Oil and its High-Molecular Heteroorganic Compounds in Soil

Автор: D.A. Filatov, E.B. Krivtsov, N.N. Sviridenko, A.K. Golovko, and L.K. Altunina

Страница: 74-82


Microbial Oxidation of High-Viscous Oil and its High-Molecular Heteroorganic Compounds in Soil

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 4, P. 74-82

UDC 579.873.6.017.7

Section:  “Ecology”


D.A. Filatov *,  E.B. Krivtsov,  N.N. Sviridenko,  A.K. Golovko,  and  L.K. Altunina

The Institute for Oil Chemistry, Russ. Acad. Sci., Siberian Branch,  634021, Tomsk Russia



The effect of high-viscosity oils from the Ashalchinskoye oil field on the oxygenase activity of the aboriginal soil microflora has been investigated. After an adaptation period (10 days), the total number of heterotrophic microorganisms increased from (0.6—0.7)·106 to (890—990)·106 CFU/g with a decrease in the biodiversity. The activity of the soil enzymes was increased by 3 to 4 times. The oil utilization was found to be 85.0% after 180 days of the experiment, all oil fractions being subjected to oxidation. It was shown that the total destruction of the oils (alkanes, isoalkanes, naphthenes, and arenes) was, on average, about 86.9%. The biochemical transformation of the high-molecular heteroorganic oil compounds (HMHOC) proceeded simultaneously with the mineralization of the lighter fractions, and the biodegradation of resins and asphaltenes was 86.8% and 55.1%, respectively. It was established that the molecular weight of HMHOC decreased during their oxidation due to the degradation of the alkyl substituents and the partial rupture of the aromatic and naphthenic cycles.


Key words:  biodegradation,  enzymatic activity,  heterotrophic microorganisms,  high-molecular heteroorganic compounds,  high-viscousity oil,  hydrocarbons.


23.03.2015, 1743 просмотра.


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