Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 4 Optimization of Technological Parameters of the Process for D-Tryptophane Producing from Racemate by Microbiological Method

Optimization of Technological Parameters of the Process for D-Tryptophane Producing from Racemate by Microbiological Method

Автор: A.A. Vardanyan, and A.E. Aghajanyan

Страница: 55-62


Optimization of Technological Parameters of the Process for D-Tryptophane Producing from Racemate by Microbiological Method

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 4, P. 55-62

UDC 577.112.388.2; 577; 151.52

Section:  “Biologicals Technology”


A.A. Vardanyan *,  and  A.E. Aghajanyan

Scientific Production Center Armbiotechnology, Natl. Acad. Sci., Republic of Armenia,  0056, Yerevan Armenia



Obtaining of D-tryptophane from the aminoacid racemate using a strain of Proteus vulgaris AC-16 has been optimized (age of the inoculate, pH, KLa, time and temperature). A stepwise principle of the regulation of the process technological parameters was recommended. As compared to the uncontrolled cultivation, this method provides a higher D-tryptophane yield (97—97.5% of the amount containing in the racemate), reduction of time by 22—25 h and significant decrease in the energy consumption.


Key words:  biodegradation,  strain-restructor,  technological parameters,  D-tryptophane,  L-tryptophane,  tryptophane racemate.


23.03.2015, 1544 просмотра.


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