Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2014
N 4
Assessment of the Efficiency of the Butyric Acid Biosynthesis during Cultivation of Clostridium butyticum and Clostridium tyrobutyricum Bacteria on Media Containing Birch Cuts and Beet Cake Hydrolisates
Assessment of the Efficiency of the Butyric Acid Biosynthesis during Cultivation of Clostridium butyticum and Clostridium tyrobutyricum Bacteria on Media Containing Birch Cuts and Beet Cake HydrolisatesАвтор: A.R. Ablaev, M.V. Kharina, O.V. Berezina, S.V. Rykov, S.V. Yarotskii, and V.M. Emelianov Страница: 45-54
Assessment of the Efficiency of the Butyric Acid Biosynthesis during Cultivation of Clostridium butyticum and Clostridium tyrobutyricum Bacteria on Media Containing Birch Cuts and Beet Cake Hydrolisates Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 4, P. 45-54 UDC 579.222.7; 57.083.134 Section: “Biologicals Technology”
A.R. Ablaev 1, *, M.V. Kharina 1, O.V. Berezina 2, S.V. Rykov 2, S.V. Yarotskii 2, and V.M. Emelianov 1 1 The Kazan National Research Technological University, 420015, Kazan Russia 2 The State Research Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms, 117545, Moscow Russia e-mail: mashchenko@yandex.ru, somariya@mail.ru
The enzymatic and acidic hydrolysates of beet cake and birch cuts were obtained and used as substrates for culturing of butyric acid bacteria Clostriduim butyricum and Clostridium tyrobutyricum. The maximum concentrations of butyric acid (1,12 g/l), yield (26.8% of utilized sugars) and rate of sugar utilization (45.8%) were achieved by using a combination of the enzymatic hydrolysate of beet cake containing 9.12 g/l of carbohydrates with the predomination of glucose, xylose, sucrose and arabinose, and the Clostriduim butyricum B-9619 strain. The ratio butyrate/butanol among the fermentation products was 1.24, which is more than tenfold higher than that on the glucose-containing medium (0.11).
Key words: acidic hydrolysis, beet cake, birch cuts, butyric acid, Clostridia, enzymatic hydrolysis, renewable plant material.
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