Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 3 Decontamination of Aqueous Solutions Polluted by Poliovirus using Up-to-Date Carbon-Containing Materials and Polymeric Composites

Decontamination of Aqueous Solutions Polluted by Poliovirus using Up-to-Date Carbon-Containing Materials and Polymeric Composites

Автор: V.T. Ivanova, M.V. Ivanova, N.N. Nosik, E.I. Burtseva, N.G. Kondrashina, M.V. Polkovnikova, A.A. Isakova, B.V. Spitsyn, and I.Yu. Sapurina

Страница: 67-72


Decontamination of Aqueous Solutions Polluted by Poliovirus using Up-to-Date Carbon-Containing Materials and Polymeric Composites

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 3, P. 67-72

UDC 578.74

Section:  “Ecology”


V.T. Ivanova 1, *,  M.V. Ivanova 1,  N.N. Nosik 1,  E.I. Burtseva 1,  N.G. Kondrashina 1,  M.V. Polkovnikova 1,  A.A. Isakova 2,  B.V. Spitsyn 2,  and  I.Yu. Sapurina 3

1  The Ivanovskii Research Institute for Virology, Ministry of Health of RF,  123098, Moscow Russia

2  The Frumkin Institute for Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, Russ. Acad. Sci.,  119071, Moscow Russia

3  The Institute for High-Molecular Compounds,  199004, St.-Petersburg Russia



It has been shown that carbon-containing materials (detonation soot, detonation modified nanodiamonds, carbon nanotubes) and composites (Ag-containing polyaniline nanotubes and granules) are capable of adsorbing of poliovirus from the Eagle medium after a 20-min contact at 22°C. The decrease in the virus titer after the adsorption varied from 2.5 to 2 lgTCID50 .The virus—support complexes that resulted from the adsorption had an infectious activity in the Vero cell culture. The dissociation of the poliovirus from the adsorbent into saline failed to be observed.


Key words:  carbon nanotubes,  composites of PANI,  nanodiamonds,  nanotubes and granules with Ag,  poliovirus,  vaccine strain of 1 Sabine type.


19.03.2015, 1700 просмотров.


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