Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 3 Morphogenesis in vitro of Green Shoot Explants of Scabiosa gumbetica Boiss., and its Micropropagation

Morphogenesis in vitro of Green Shoot Explants of Scabiosa gumbetica Boiss., and its Micropropagation

Автор: V.K. Martemyanova, and Z.M. Alieva

Страница: 62-66


Morphogenesis in vitro of Green Shoot Explants of Scabiosa gumbetica Boiss., and its Micropropagation

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 3, P. 62-66

UDC 581.121.1.

Section:  “Biologicals Technology”


V.K. Martemyanova *,  and  Z.M. Alieva

The Dagestan State University,  367025, Makhachkala Russia



An optimal composition of culture medium for the induction of the morphogenetic potential of Scabiosa gumbetica shoot explants has been chosen. A phased scheme of cultivation of nodal and callus explants of Scabiosa gumbetica was designed for the regulation of the in vitro morphogenesis.


Key words:  clonal micropropagation,  in vitro,  rare and disappearing plant species,  Scabiosa gumbetica Boiss.,  tissue culture.


19.03.2015, 1762 просмотра.


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