Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 3 Human Plasminogen Activation is Blocked by Monoclonal Antibody

Human Plasminogen Activation is Blocked by Monoclonal Antibody

Автор: N.M. Rutkevich, T.I. Belyanko, Ya.G. Gurskii, P.G. Sveshnikov, N.A. Skrypina, O.N. Solopova, and R.Sh. Bibilashvili

Страница: 41-48


Human Plasminogen Activation is Blocked by Monoclonal Antibody

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 3, P. 41-48

UDC 577.156.6-576.8.097.3

Section:  “Biologicals Technology”


N.M. Rutkevich 1, *,  T.I. Belyanko 1,  Ya.G. Gurskii 1,  P.G. Sveshnikov 2,  N.A. Skrypina 1,  O.N. Solopova 2,  and  R.Sh. Bibilashvili 1

1  The Russian Scientific-and-Industrial Complex of Cardiology, Ministry of Health of RF,  121552, Moscow Russia

2  The All-Russian Research Center for Molecular Diagnostics and Therapy,  117149, Moscow Russia



An H4 monoclonal antibody that selectively binds to plasminogen (PLG), but not to mini-plasmin has been obtained. This selectivity probably results from the interaction between the antibody and the PLG activation site. The antibody sharply blocks the PLG activation by urokinase-type (uPA) or tissue (tPA) PLG activator. The activation is not blocked by the control G8 antibody which equally binds to PLG and mini-plasmin. The H4 antibody is specific to human PLG; the rabbit PLG activation is not inhibited. The H4 antibody disrupts the cycle of the mutual activation of PLG and uPA: both uPA-dependent PLG activation and PLG-­dependent pro-uPA activation are blocked. Thus, in the presence of the H4 antibody, pro-uPA is not activated by plasmin in a mixture of PLG, pro-uPA and activated uPA, which makes it possible to measure in this mixture of the activated uPA concentration.


Key words:  activator,  monoclonal antibody,  plasmin,  tissue plasminogen activator,  urokinase-type plasminogen activation.


19.03.2015, 1637 просмотров.


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