Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 3 Aqueous-Phenolic Extraction: a New Application to IFNβ Purification

Aqueous-Phenolic Extraction: a New Application to IFNβ Purification

Автор: A.I. Bobruskin, N.N. Pankeev, А.S. Zhuravko, and N.V. Kononova

Страница: 24-33


Aqueous-Phenolic Extraction: a New Application to IFNβ Purification

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 3, P. 24-33

UDC 577.4

Section:  “Biologicals Technology”


A.I. Bobruskin *,  N.N. Pankeev,  А.S. Zhuravko,  and  N.V. Kononova

The Research-and-Technique Center IBKh-RAN,  117997, Moscow Russia



In order to purify a recombinant IFNβ-1b from endotoxins and host cell proteins, we have compared micellar and phenolic extraction procedures. It was shown that all contaminants were only effectively eliminated by the water-phenolic extraction. The conditions for obtaining of three phases, aqueous with LPS, phenolic with IFN and water-insoluble with the E. coli residual proteins, were selected. IFNβ-1b was then completely purified from the host cell proteins by RP HPLC.


Key words:  endotoxins,  extraction,  interferon,  phenol,  RP HPLC,  Triton X-114.


19.03.2015, 1590 просмотров.


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