Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 2 Utilization of Radioactive Waste Oils using a Method of Biotechnology

Utilization of Radioactive Waste Oils using a Method of Biotechnology

Автор: D.A. Filatov, L.I. Svarovskaya, L.K. Altunina, V.Yu. Selyavskii, and S.A. Shimanskii

Страница: 62-68


Utilization of Radioactive Waste Oils using a Method of Biotechnology

Biotekhnologiya, 2014, N 2, P. 62-68

UDC 579.873.6.017.7

Section:  “Ecology”


D.A. Filatov 1, *,  L.I. Svarovskaya 1,  L.K. Altunina 1,  V.Yu. Selyavskii 2,  and  S.A. Shimanskii 2

1  The Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Russ. Acad. Sci., Siberian branch, 634021, Tomsk Russia

2  The Siberian Chemical Combine, 636019, Seversk Russia



A possibility of biochemical oxidation of a mixture of organic liquid radioactive waste (OLRW) by an association of hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms (HOM) from the Arthrobacter globiformis, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas stutzeri, and P. pu­tida genera has been investigated under the laboratory conditions. It was found out that during the HOM fermentation in the medium with the radioactive waste oils, their number increases by 5—6 orders of magnitude and reaches (6—8)·109 CFU/ml. The suggested method comprising a partial removing of metabolic products during the experiment provides a 80—82% biodegradation efficiency after 60 days with the initial waste oil concentrations of 25% and 50%. The total a-radioactivity and content of radionuclides in the waste oil decreased by 37—43 %. As a result of the investigation, it was demonstrated that the application of microorganisms allows to decrease the OLRW concentration by more than 5 times and thus to prepare the radioactive waste to a further treatment by conventional methods.


Key words:  biochemical oxidation,  hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms association,  organic liquid radioactive waste,  α-radioactivity,  radionuclides.


The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2014, Issue 2, pp. 62-68 as D.A. Filatov, L.I. Svarovskaya, L.K. Altunina, V.Yu. Selyavskii, and S.A. Shimanskii “Utilization of Radioactive Waste Oils using a Method of Biotechnology.

It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website:


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