Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 1 A Design of a Reference Panel of Sera Containing Antibodies to Various Hepatitis C Virus Subtypes

A Design of a Reference Panel of Sera Containing Antibodies to Various Hepatitis C Virus Subtypes

Автор: A.N. Kanev, R.A. Maksiutov, S.A. Piankov, N.S. Cherepanova, I.V. Yudina, T.S. Bakirov, and N.V. Shalunova

Страница: 79-86


A Design of a Reference Panel of Sera Containing Antibodies to Various Hepatitis C Virus Subtypes

Biotekhnologiya, 2014, N 1, P. 79-86

UDC 578.74

Section:  “Metrology, Standartization, and Control”


A.N. Kanev 1, *,  R.A. Maksiutov 1,  S.A. Piankov 1,  N.S. Cherepanova 1,  I.V. Yudina 1,  T.S. Bakirov 1,  and  N.V. Shalunova 2

1  The State Research Center for Virology and Biotechnology Vector,  630559, Kol’tsovo settl., Novosibirskaya oblast Russia

2  The Tarasevich State Research Institute for Standardization and Control of Biological Medicines,  121002, Moscow Russia



A low-circulation antibody panel to various HCV subtypes was designed and certified for the use in ELISA and chemiluminescent analysis detecting anti-HCV antibodies in order to improve its standardization and control. The panel includes 16 positive sera containing antibodies to 1a+1b, 2a and 3a HCV subtypes and 4 negative sera to assess sensitivity and specificity of the test system, respectively. The results of the validation of the panel are represented. The shelf time of the panel was 1.6 year when stored at 4°C in freeze-dried state.


Key words:  antibody repertoire,  hepatitis C,  reference preparation,  sera, shelf time,  stabilizers,  subtype.


The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2014, Issue 1, pp. 79-86 as A.N. Kanev, R.A. Maksiutov, S.A. Plankov, N.S. Cherepanova, I.V. Yudina, T.S. Bakirov, and N.V. Shalunova “A Design of a Reference Panel of Sera Containing Antibodies of Various Hepatitis C Virus Subtypes.

It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website:


16.03.2015, 1651 просмотр .


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