Russian Journal of Biotechnology
Articles archive
Archive 2014
N 1
Application of a Helicoid Type Rotor in Gas-Liquid Bioreactor as a Tool for Reducing a Stressful Effect of Stirring on Biomass
Application of a Helicoid Type Rotor in Gas-Liquid Bioreactor as a Tool for Reducing a Stressful Effect of Stirring on BiomassАвтор: K.A. Ivanov, D.A. Ivanov, and A.P. Rudenko Страница: 67-71
Application of a Helicoid Type Rotor in Gas-Liquid Bioreactor as a Tool for Reducing a Stressful Effect of Stirring on Biomass Biotekhnologiya, 2014, N 1, P. 67-71 UDC 663.14.033 Section: “Processes and Equipment”
K.A. Ivanov *, D.A. Ivanov, and A.P. Rudenko The State Siberian University of Technology, 660049, Krasnoyarsk Russia е-mail: ivanov.sibstu@yandex.ru
A problem of the stressful effect on growth and development of biomass in gas-liquid bioreactors with mechanical agitation has been discussed. As an alternative solution, the use of the helicoid type rotor is suggested. The application of the helicoid type rotor to a bioreactor for the cultivation of aerobic microorganisms, for example, sulfur-yellow mycelium tinder fungus Laetiporus sulphureus, allowed a 35% increase in the bioreactor productivity and reducing of the stressful stirring effect on the growth of the mycelial cultures.
Key words: bioreactor, helicoid, mixing, mycelium, physicomechanical effect, productivity, rotor, stirrer, stress.
The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2014, Issue 1, pp. 67-71 as K.A. Ivanov, D.A. Ivanov, and A.P. Rudenko “Application of a Helicoid Type Rotor in Gas-Liquid Bioreactor as a Tool for Reducing a Stressful Effect of Stirring on Biomass”. It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24083405
16.03.2015, 1779 просмотров. |
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