Russian Journal of Biotechnology
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Archive 2014
N 1
Comparative Analysis of Tissue Culture Efficiency of Di-, Tetra- and Hexaploid Wheat Breeds and Species
Comparative Analysis of Tissue Culture Efficiency of Di-, Tetra- and Hexaploid Wheat Breeds and SpeciesАвтор: D.N. Miroshnichenko, R.N. Sokolov, О.V. Alikina, and S.V. Dolgov Страница: 38-51
Comparative Analysis of Tissue Culture Efficiency of Di-, Tetra- and Hexaploid Wheat Breeds and Species Biotekhnologiya, 2014, N 1, P. 38-51 UDC 58.085:58.084.1:57.085.23:633.11 Section: “Producers, Biology, Selection, and Gene Engineering”
D.N. Miroshnichenko 1, 2, *, R.N. Sokolov 3, О.V. Alikina 4, and S.V. Dolgov 1, 2 1 The Shemyakin-and-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Russ. Acad. Sci., Pushchino Branch, 142290, Pushchino, Moskovskaya oblast Russia 2 The All Russian Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Russ. Acad. Agric. Sci., 127550, Moscow Russia 3 The Sochi Institute of Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship, 354348, Sochi Russia 4 The Pushchino State Institute of Natural Sciences, 142290, Pushchino, Moskovskaya oblast Russia e-mail: miroshnichenko@bibch.ru
A genotypic dependence of morphogenic callus induction and plant regeneration for in vitro embryo tissue cultures of 48 commercial genotypes and 10 species of wheat was shown. The morphogenic response of immature zygotic embryos of tetraploid wheats with BA-genome (T. carthlicum Nevski, T. turgidum L. и T. polonicum L.) was generally more intense than that of diploid wheats with the A-genome (T. monococcum L., T. sinskajae A.Filat. et Kurk.) and hexaploid wheats with the BAD-genome (T. compactum Host., T. shaerococcum Perciv.). Wheats with the G genome (T. timopheevii Zhuk., 4n, GA genome; T. kiharae Dorof. et Migusch, 6n, GAD genome) were characterized by both low morphogenic potential in the immature embryo culture and high portion of albino regenerants. The results indicated that the commercial tetraploid (T. durum Desf., T. dicoccum (Schrank)) and hexaploid (T. aestivum L., T. shaerococcum Perciv.) wheat genotypes could be identified as low-, medium- and high-morphogenic in immature embryo culture. Highly morphogenic genotypes produced more than 65% of embryogenic callus and regenerated 10—20 plantlets per callus. The in vitro efficiency of mature embryo-derived tissues was by an order of magnitude lower than that of immature analogs due to an insufficient regeneration capacity of the induced morphogenic callus. As a result, 24 commercial wheat genotypes a exhibiting high in vitro efficiency of immature embryo-derived tissue culture were selected for further experiments in plant biotechonology. For the majority of the analyzed species, the successful morphogenesis and plant regeneration from embryo-derived tissues was shown for the first time.
Key words: albino plants, embryonic tissues, morphogenic callus, plantlet regeneration.
The full English version of the article was published in “Biotechnology in Russia”, 2014, Issue 1, pp. 38-51 as D.N. Miroshnichenko, R.N. Sokolov, О.V. Alikina, and S.V. Dolgov “Comparative Analysis of Tissue Culture Efficiency of Di-, Tetra- and Hexaploid Wheat Breeds and Species”. It is contained at the Russian Scientific Electron Library website: http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id=24083402
16.03.2015, 1862 просмотра. |
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