Russian Journal of Biotechnology Articles archive Archive 2014 N 1 Production of Biodiesel by Enzymatic Catalysis

Production of Biodiesel by Enzymatic Catalysis

Автор: E.Yu. Yuzbasheva, P.M. Gotovtsev, E.B. Mostova, N.I. Perkovskaya, M.A. Lomonosova, V.V. Butylin, S.P. Sineokii, and R.G. Vasilov

Страница: 8-24


Production of Biodiesel by Enzymatic Catalysis

Russian Journal of Biotechnology, 2014, N 1, P. 8-24

UDC 577.153/.153.9

Section:  “Problems and Prospects”


E.Yu. Yuzbasheva 1, *,  P.M. Gotovtsev 2, *,  E.B. Mostova 1,  N.I. Perkovskaya 1,  M.A. Lomonosova 2,  V.V. Butylin 2,  S.P. Sineokii 1,  and  R.G. Vasilov 2

1  The State Research Institute for Genetics and Selection of Industrial Microorganisms,  117545, Moscow Russia

2  The National Research Center Kurchatov Institute,  123182, Moscow Russia



The current state of art in the production of biodiesel by enzymatic catalysis has been reviewed. The parameters of the process are represented and analyzed. The basic factors that determine the ester interchange are described. The main kinds of oils and alcohols that are used in the biodiesel synthesis are listed. The variants of the lipase enzyme immobilization including the exposure on cell surface are discussed.


Key words:  biodiesel,  biofuel,  enzymatic catalysis,  enzyme immobilization,  exposure on cell surface,  lipase.


16.02.2015, 1787 просмотров.


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