Genetika Articles Comparison of different approaches to activate the glyoxylate bypass in Escherichia coli K-12 for succinate biosynthesis during dual-phase fermentation in minimal glucose media.

Comparison of different approaches to activate the glyoxylate bypass in Escherichia coli K-12 for succinate biosynthesis during dual-phase fermentation in minimal glucose media.

Comparison of different approaches to activate the glyoxylate bypass in Escherichia coli K-12 for succinate biosynthesis during dual-phase fermentation in minimal glucose media.

Alexandra Yu Skorokhodova, Andrey Yu Gulevich, Anastasiya A Morzhakova, Rustem S Shakulov, Vladimir G Debabov

ABSTRACT: Two different approaches to activate the glyoxylate bypass in model Escherichia coli K-12 strains for succinate biosynthesis during dual-phase fermentation in minimal glucose media were examined. Inactivation of IclR and FadR, the transcriptional regulators of the aceBAK operon, were insufficient for the involvement of the glyoxylate bypass in anaerobic succinate biosynthesis by strains grown aerobically under glucose-abundant conditions. In contrast, the strains that constitutively expressed the aceEF-lpdA operon coding for the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex could partially synthesise succinate anaerobically via the glyoxylate bypass, even in the presence of intact regulators. The results suggest that the intensive acetyl-CoA formation in the strains constitutively expressing pyruvate dehydrogenase matches the physiological conditions that favour the activation of the glyoxylate bypass.

Biotechnology Letters 12/2012; · 1.68 Impact Factor


03.09.2013, 2973 просмотра.