Novel method for screening Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants with increased sulfur-containing compounds: Color-based selection of ade1 or ade2 mutants.
Novel method for screening Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants with increased sulfur-containing compounds: Color-based selection of ade1 or ade2 mutants.Novel method for screening Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants with increased sulfur-containing compounds: Color-based selection of ade1 or ade2 mutants. Marina G Tarutina, Tatiana A Dutova, Inna E Yezhova, Hiroaki Nishiuchi, Sergey P Sineoky [hide abstract] ABSTRACT: We identified Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants with 100% higher intracellular glutathione using 1-methyl-3-nitro-1-nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis. This method employs visual selection of the most pigmented colonies among met30 strains carrying ade1 and ade2 mutations. Since the method does not involve genetic engineering, the mutants are suitable for use in the food industry. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering 08/2012; · 1.79 Impact Factor 21.08.2012, 3167 просмотров. |