Extracellular glycosyl hydrolase activity of the Clostridium strains producing acetone, butanol, and ethanol
Extracellular glycosyl hydrolase activity of the Clostridium strains producing acetone, butanol, and ethanolExtracellular glycosyl hydrolase activity of the Clostridium strains producing acetone, butanol, and ethanol O. V. Berezina, S. P. Sineoky, G. A. Velikodvorskaya, W. Schwarz, V. V. Zverlov ABSTRACT: Production of acetone, butanol, ethanol, acetic acid, and butyric acid by three strains of anaerobic bacteria, which we identified as Clostridium acetobutylicum, was studied. The yield of acetone and alcohols in 6% wheat flour medium amounted to 12.7–15 g/l with butanol constituting 51.0–55.6%. Activities of these strains towards xylan, β-glucan, carboxymethylcellulose, and crystalline and amorphous celluloses were studied. C. acetobutylicum 6, C. acetobutylicum 7, and C. acetobutylicum VKPM B-4786 produced larger amounts of acetone and alcohols and displayed higher cellulase and hemicellulase activities than the type strain C. acetobutylicum ATCC 824 in lab-scale butch cultures. It was demonstrated that starch in the medium could be partially substituted with plant biomass. Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology 04/2012; 44(1):42-47. · 0.56 Impact Factor 21.03.2012, 2946 просмотров. |